If you have been around Tripp in the past couple of months, then you have most definitely heard him ramble on and on about the infamous Thomas Land. Many people thought he was just making up this great place in his head- but there IS a real Thomas Land and it HAPPENS to be about an hour and a half from us.
Since we are starting to get settled in and the cold weather is upon us, I told Marc is was probably time to make our trip to Thomas Land. We bought our tickets Saturday night and planned to head out Sunday morning. Tripp was so excited that he couldn't eat, he didn't want to sleep and he obsessively watched Thomas Land videos on You Tube for the entire night.
Sunday morning, I heard Tripp crying and he crawled into bed with us. I didn't think much of it, even when he asked me to carry him downstairs when he woke up. I was busy making coffee and breakfast and getting ready for Thomas Land when Marc asked me what was wrong with Tripp's leg. Poor guy, poor little thing... apparently, he fell out of his bed, (which is a tiny twin sized bed on loan from the Air Force until our furniture arrives- a blog on that later!) When he fell out of his bed he landed funky and jammed is knee. He was hobbling around all morning and asking us to carry him. I knew it wasn't bad enough to go to the doctor but I felt horrible for him. He has been asking and talking about Thomas Land for months and the poor guy is so injured he can't walk around and see everything.
Needless to say, it was great! We all had a blast and by the end of the day, Tripp was back to normal and walking around and so happy that he FINALLY made it to THE Thomas Land!!!
He's so excited to finally be at Thomas Land! |
Meeting Rosie. |
Meeting Edward. |
Okay... I just couldn't resist. I have managed to find the ULTIMATE Muffin Top!!! |
There IS THOMAS!!! |
Riding on the train. |
Driving Terrance the Tractor. |
Riding rides. |
Oh Tripp!! I'm SO thrilled that you finally got to Thomas Land!! Looks like lots of fun! Hope the leg/knee is better! Great pics Mama!! :)